Khamis, 9 Oktober 2014

Effect of mobile phone towards people..

Assalamualaikum and hello sisters..


Mobile phone not only gives a negative effect to us, but also positive effect. It not only give us the power to talk, but also provided us with many others functions and enable us to take some picture, shares videos, listening music, playing games, surfing internet, find location, chatting, make a video call and much more. Example of mobile phone we can see today like Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, Lenovo and Oppo have brought some powerful gadgets into the competitive market. All this mobile are very user friendly and their multimedia features as well as other functionality very easy to use and fast. Today mobile market have a very close relationship with a teenagers, as a trend teenagers like to purchase a newest gadget in the market and they do not mind how much they should invest to get that gadget. We can see when the new gadget was launched, there will be a long queue in the outlet to purchase the gadget.

Here I list some of the positive effect of mobile phone towards people today:

  • For communication and convenience

The best way we can communicate is through mobile phone. We can keep in touch with our family, friend, client, supplier and everybody just because of mobile phones. If we cannot call, we can just write a message. We should be thankful because we can bring the mobile phone all the time and everywhere just because of their lightweight, small size, and portable.

  • Entertainment

We need entertainment in our life, without entertainment our life is nothing and bored. Nowadays, mobile phones enable us to surf internet and having entertainment while on the go. Their functions are very superb with an attracting features, clear picture and sound and always know pretty well the latest entertainment demand today. This is the reason why mobile phones are less than complete portable entertainment devices.

  • Help in studying and business

In the field of study and business, mobile phone is very helpful. Mobile phone is one of the necessities for student and business people. It is because student need to obtain some information related to their topic of study while businesses people need to keep in touch will their client and supplier every time. They also need to updates with the market up and down.

  • Texting

Some people feel that call is very disruptive. Mobile phone can be use one of the great way to communicate with busy people through texting. It can contribute the positive changes in communication. It is very quick and easy to use. Sender can type the text and sent it in just a second the receiver will receive the text and can reply it. It also can be making in a group and we can discuss together. It can be use for a student, employees and Sender can type the text and sent it, in just a second the receiver will receive the text and can reply it. It also can be making in a group and we can discuss together. It can be use for a student, employees and family to discuss or chatting.


Above is some of the reason why we need to use the mobile phone and the positive effect we get when we use this type of technology. Mobile phone is very essential in our daily activities and very helpful in order to complete the task and solve the problem. It was very functionality and powerful to be use and user friendly.

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