Khamis, 9 Oktober 2014

Why IT strategy and planning is so important in managing business ?

Assalamualaikum and hello sisters...


Today I just want to write an overview about the important roles of IT strategy and planning in the business. Huhh.. is it interesting enough? I guess some of you already work and you should read this.. Nowadays we were realized the advanced IT was exploitation the business strategies and tactics of modern organizations. So the organization should set an objective to ensure all the activity on the right way. An organization should have enough information in orders to support their operations and to ensure the integration with existing IT infrastructure not only of their own organization but also of an external partners. The management must guarantee the employees that by having a new IT in fracture them will get a good knowledge. Organization must achieve the best timing of their IT implementation with respect to other projects and developments, and to technology market changes in general.


            The organization need to understand the objective, potential and existing way of working infrastructure. IT strategy development can develop an ambitious vision of future IT supported ways of working, based on their thorough knowledge of cutting-edge market offerings and business best practices. Furthermore, IT strategy can produces appropriate systems and network architecture, at different levels of details, in order to explain their vision to all interests’ parties, client, vendors and IT implementers. More than that, it designs integration solutions in orders to enable communication between new and existing systems. IT applies professional project management methodologies and delivers details plans for the realization of IT strategies, with a view to achieve best timing and optimum utilization of resources.

            In business, IT strategy and planning is essential because before making any decision we need to identify some other thing such as factor, population, market, customer, potential buyer and much more. So in orders to fulfill this requirement we can use IT to plan and executed all this things. It is not easy to have a sable business, so that is why we need to have a proper and good plan. Company should know how to use the technology because technology helps industry, business to grow fast. They can make deals with people and supplier in oversea and get a product with an affordable price.

            More than that, IT strategy and planning need to be use by all departments in the company. Because it can standardize all the process and ensure all the activities going smooth. The process of distribution task and information will be more right and fair to all the employees. While companies have a good planning and process, it helps company achieve their real objectives and gain more profit.

 As a conclusion, IT strategy and planning should be used by organization in orders to guide their organizations because IT strategy can helps the organization to control the information, cost management, human capital management, hardware and software management, risk and all the things related to the aspects of IT. IT need to work closely with business in orders to sustain the business.

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