Khamis, 9 Oktober 2014

Effect of mobile phone towards people..

Assalamualaikum and hello sisters..


Mobile phone not only gives a negative effect to us, but also positive effect. It not only give us the power to talk, but also provided us with many others functions and enable us to take some picture, shares videos, listening music, playing games, surfing internet, find location, chatting, make a video call and much more. Example of mobile phone we can see today like Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, Lenovo and Oppo have brought some powerful gadgets into the competitive market. All this mobile are very user friendly and their multimedia features as well as other functionality very easy to use and fast. Today mobile market have a very close relationship with a teenagers, as a trend teenagers like to purchase a newest gadget in the market and they do not mind how much they should invest to get that gadget. We can see when the new gadget was launched, there will be a long queue in the outlet to purchase the gadget.

Here I list some of the positive effect of mobile phone towards people today:

  • For communication and convenience

The best way we can communicate is through mobile phone. We can keep in touch with our family, friend, client, supplier and everybody just because of mobile phones. If we cannot call, we can just write a message. We should be thankful because we can bring the mobile phone all the time and everywhere just because of their lightweight, small size, and portable.

  • Entertainment

We need entertainment in our life, without entertainment our life is nothing and bored. Nowadays, mobile phones enable us to surf internet and having entertainment while on the go. Their functions are very superb with an attracting features, clear picture and sound and always know pretty well the latest entertainment demand today. This is the reason why mobile phones are less than complete portable entertainment devices.

  • Help in studying and business

In the field of study and business, mobile phone is very helpful. Mobile phone is one of the necessities for student and business people. It is because student need to obtain some information related to their topic of study while businesses people need to keep in touch will their client and supplier every time. They also need to updates with the market up and down.

  • Texting

Some people feel that call is very disruptive. Mobile phone can be use one of the great way to communicate with busy people through texting. It can contribute the positive changes in communication. It is very quick and easy to use. Sender can type the text and sent it in just a second the receiver will receive the text and can reply it. It also can be making in a group and we can discuss together. It can be use for a student, employees and Sender can type the text and sent it, in just a second the receiver will receive the text and can reply it. It also can be making in a group and we can discuss together. It can be use for a student, employees and family to discuss or chatting.


Above is some of the reason why we need to use the mobile phone and the positive effect we get when we use this type of technology. Mobile phone is very essential in our daily activities and very helpful in order to complete the task and solve the problem. It was very functionality and powerful to be use and user friendly.

Why IT strategy and planning is so important in managing business ?

Assalamualaikum and hello sisters...


Today I just want to write an overview about the important roles of IT strategy and planning in the business. Huhh.. is it interesting enough? I guess some of you already work and you should read this.. Nowadays we were realized the advanced IT was exploitation the business strategies and tactics of modern organizations. So the organization should set an objective to ensure all the activity on the right way. An organization should have enough information in orders to support their operations and to ensure the integration with existing IT infrastructure not only of their own organization but also of an external partners. The management must guarantee the employees that by having a new IT in fracture them will get a good knowledge. Organization must achieve the best timing of their IT implementation with respect to other projects and developments, and to technology market changes in general.


            The organization need to understand the objective, potential and existing way of working infrastructure. IT strategy development can develop an ambitious vision of future IT supported ways of working, based on their thorough knowledge of cutting-edge market offerings and business best practices. Furthermore, IT strategy can produces appropriate systems and network architecture, at different levels of details, in order to explain their vision to all interests’ parties, client, vendors and IT implementers. More than that, it designs integration solutions in orders to enable communication between new and existing systems. IT applies professional project management methodologies and delivers details plans for the realization of IT strategies, with a view to achieve best timing and optimum utilization of resources.

            In business, IT strategy and planning is essential because before making any decision we need to identify some other thing such as factor, population, market, customer, potential buyer and much more. So in orders to fulfill this requirement we can use IT to plan and executed all this things. It is not easy to have a sable business, so that is why we need to have a proper and good plan. Company should know how to use the technology because technology helps industry, business to grow fast. They can make deals with people and supplier in oversea and get a product with an affordable price.

            More than that, IT strategy and planning need to be use by all departments in the company. Because it can standardize all the process and ensure all the activities going smooth. The process of distribution task and information will be more right and fair to all the employees. While companies have a good planning and process, it helps company achieve their real objectives and gain more profit.

 As a conclusion, IT strategy and planning should be used by organization in orders to guide their organizations because IT strategy can helps the organization to control the information, cost management, human capital management, hardware and software management, risk and all the things related to the aspects of IT. IT need to work closely with business in orders to sustain the business.

Is the mobile phone give a negative effect towards family institution ?

Nowadays, it is about a million people use the mobile phone. Such as mobile web via 3-G, new wireless and persuasive computing services. All of this technology are changing the way to interact between both parties. The explosion in smart phone, the adoption of fasters wireless standard and the emergence of different mobile social networking and location-sensitive application are the few factors contributes towards the rapid development in this area. These include mobile commerce apps, mobile social software services, and enterprise applications all the way to more futuristic pervasive computing services.

Sometime we will question why we were introduced towards this technology? The reasons is to provides the people an overview of the future trends and ongoing researching in this new and fast growing area. Besides that, it also gives the opportunity to use the technology, services and business models associated with mobile. What we can get and learn from using this technology? Actually, it helps us to connect with everyone at everywhere. It faster and can provides the infrastructure for mobile commerce. It able to conduct e-commerce wirelessly, any time and from any place. Furthermore, its enable location-based e-commerce, which is based on knowing where people are at any given time and on the ability to communicate with them. Mobile and wireless computing are changing how IT is deployed and are creating the foundations of the futuristic computing environment called pervasive computing.  

As technology has advanced, so has the need to remain in contact with friends, family, and loved ones. Mobile phones have continued to be one of the leading providers of social media, as well as social interaction. From phone calls, to texting services, to voice calls, mobile phones have arisen as one of the most prominent forms of communication. With that being said, mobile phones have disadvantage, as well as advantages. Technology not always gives a positive impact in our life, because in some cases it becomes worse. In family institution, mobile phone become a barrier while communicate. We can see every family members hold a mobile phone every 24hours and just chatting. Even when having dinner, watching movie and having family gathering. Technologies have impacted the natural method of human interaction badly. Individuals stay hectic using their tissue even when sitting in a team of other people. Mobile phones also have increased up street offences and breach of moral ideals. Lots of immoral, so-called love tales discover their existence through the misuse of this technology. A few apparent hearing and brain diseases possess appeared because of to the excessive use of this device.DS

Furthermore, eyesight problems are also observed among many crazy mobile users. Besides that, it gives a bad impact towards children. Children who grow up with mobile phone just like they grow up and exposed to microwave radiation from the moment when they are in the womb. Therefore, we can see which mobile phones are not only helpful, however they are also dangerous. Nicely, it will not be wrong to say that not one of the technologies is harmful by nature, this will depend on us whether we utilize it favorably or even adversely.

Why I like to shoppe online?

Hello and assalamualaikum sisters..

Today I feel like to share something with you. Hopefully it can answer all the questions from my friends. Like my friends I like to shoppe online, if I want to find clothes, gadgets, handbag, baby stuff, shoes, shawl and everything I will use internet to find the best one. But some of my friend will ask me why not I’m just go and find it on the shopping mall ?  Today since I have enough time to write this entry lets me share with you why I like to shoppe online..

  1.  Save Time – If I have a specific list that I want to buy, I’m just clicking the mouse and purchase it. From clothes, shoes, accessories, baby stuff, groceries and everything, this can save my time.
  2.  Save Fuel As we know today, the price of fuel was increase from day to day. So by shopping online it can save our cost because we no need to use vehicle to buy something. So no purchase of fuel. Save right?
  3.  Save Energy As my experienced, Im really tired when shopping because it take time and required more energy to shop from one location to another location. Sometimes, there is no stock for merchandise that I want most. So for me it just wastes my time and energy. By shopping online it just saves my precious energy.
  4. Comparison of Prices I can make a comparison in term of price, quality and discount offers by seller. It was very easy to make a comparison by using search engines. This can give the freedom which online store offers the most affordable item we going to buy.
  5.  24/7 Availability – Since I don’t have enough time to go everywhere, so it just easy to me to purchase anything. While online shopping stores always open 24/7. It is very rare to find any conventional retail stores that are open 24/7. The availability of online stores give you the freedom to shop at your own pace and convenience. 
  6.  Hate Waiting in Lines The thing I hate most when going to shopping is waiting lines. But when shopping online, there are no longer to wait for make payment. The idea of shopping online is to cutting down those bad habits of standing in a long line and just waiting. It was very bored. Every store online will provide a designed for ordering features to purchase items and making payment.
  7. Easy to Search Merchandise You Want to Buy  It was easy to us to find any items based on colors, size, style, model numbers. Basically online store will provides us with all the description of the items and we just find out the available stock. But if there is out of stock, we can order and the store will contact us if the items were available.


Since online shopping has become a popular shopping method ever the internet has declared a takeover, why not we take this opportunity to use it? It’s not only can save our time and cost but it give chance to housewife to purchase something from it... 


Thank you J